Vision & Objectives
“To ensure quality culture as the prime concern for the Higher Education Institutions through institutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives taken with internal and external support”.
Objectives of IQAC
To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
- Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks;
- Relevant and quality academic/ research programmes;
- Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society;
- Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning;
- The credibility of assessment and evaluation process;
- Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services;
- Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.
Functions of IQAC
- Development and application of quality benchmarks;
- Parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution;
- Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty aturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process;
- Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders;
- Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles;
- Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;
- Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices;
- Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;
- Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow-up;
- Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC.
“SVHEC has committed to provide quality Education in Engineering, Technology and Management by continually improving the Infrastructure and Educational practices to enhance the best work culture and Academic ambience with avenues for all round personality development of the students”.
IQAC Minutes (2023-2024)
IQAC Minutes (2022-2023)
IQAC Minutes (2021-2022)
IQAC Minutes (2020-2021)
IQAC Minutes (2019-2020)
IQAC Minutes (2018-2019)
IQAC Minutes (2017-2018)
Quality Initiatives
Best Practice No.1 Students career development Program (SCDP) Objective of the practice:- To Guide students to choose right career and enhance their knowledge, Skill and aptitude to meet out the manpower requirement of industry.
- To impart personal and career related support to the students through employability skills training and ultimately provide placement by arranging campus recruitment drives.
- Presentation skills
- Communication skills
- Soft skills
- Leadership quality
- Problem Solving Skills
- Presentation skills:Being professional grandaunts, students are required to acquire presentation skills to deliver their thought process using modern aids.
- Communication Skills:Majority of engineers work in corporate where English is a globally accepted language. Therefore it becomes essential for engineers to groom their verbal skills. Students during first year undergo communication skills training.
- Soft skills & Aptitude training:Soft-skills training is provided to students to improve their non-verbal communication and leadership qualities. They also undergo aptitude training which has different modules as quantitative and logical reasoning.
- Leadership quality:Engineers require interpersonal skills to take lead in industries.
- Problem Solving Skills:Problem solving is common to human but challenge lies in solving problem in a short duration. Every company is looking only for a smart worker. This smartness is enhanced among the students by conducting aptitude and attitude training by external experts.
- Placements: After execution of students career development program, placement percentage of students has increased. Year wise percentage of placements are 2014-15(70%), 2015-16(72%) and 2016-17 (74%), 2017-18(76%), 2018-19(78%) .Thus the above data clearly shows that there has been an exponential rise in students’ placement from 2014-15 to till date.
- Participation at various events: Now a days most of the co-curricular and extracurricular activities in the institute are conducted only by students where they play different roles as coordinators, volunteers and participants to develop their leadership and soft skills. Students have participated and won various prizes and awards in the competitions held outside institute based on their presentation and communication skills.
- Recognition at their work place: It has been significantly observed that our alumni have shown remarkable progress at their respective workplaces. Most of them have received good appreciation from their employers for their contributions. They also take active participation during the alumni meet.
- To monitor the students’ regularity & discipline.
- To enable the parents to know about the performance & regularity of their wards.
- To provide counseling to students for solving their problems and provide confidence to improve their career.
- Every day morning at 8.55 am first hour handling faculty members goes to the class room and motivate the students to do meditation for five minutes, followed by prayer, news paper reading and birthday wishes.
- First hour handling faculty makes entry of the first hour attendance in e-campus and absent message is automatically sent to the parents of absentees through e-campus.
- Mentors give counseling to the students who are absent for the class regularly.
- Students, who have less attendance, are counseled and informed to parents.
- Students, who get low marks in more than two subjects in internal examinations, are counseled and special classes are conducted.
- More than one arrear students in semester exams are counseled and their performance are continuously monitored in the internal tests.
- Students, who have poor communication skill, are identified and are motivated by mentor and they are trained to develop their communication skills in the communication hour.
- Students having family problems, health issues and other in disciplinary activities are identified and are duly counseled.
- Mentors motivate the II year ,III year, IV year students to participate in the value added courses, mini projects, seminars, workshops and paper presentations etc.,
- Mentors always keep in touch with parents/guardians and promptly respond to situations like academic irregularities, negative behavioral changes, interpersonal relations and detrimental activities.
- Mentor maintains detailed progressive record of the student.
- Improved students’ attendance records
- Minimized students drop-out rates (apparently due to Mentors’ intervention before a student falls short of attendance or has been regularly abstaining from classes)
- Identification of slow learners for conducting special classes.
- Increase in students’ semester results and placements.
- Students’ active participation in value added courses, mini projects, seminars, workshops and paper presentations etc.,
- Minimized academic irregularities, negative behavioral changes in the students.
- Keeping in touch with the mentors even after their graduation.
- Students get absent during counseling.
- Students coming from rural areas hesitate to share their problems openly.
- Some students show lack of interest during counseling.
- Some students hesitate to share their family problems and health issues with mentors.
- Parents, mostly daily wagers, can’t attend the parents meeting, whenever required.
- To solve the above said problems, students should be made to discuss with psychiatrist regularly.
- Regular Yoga and meditation should be given students to improve their mind power.
- The mentors should closely maintain the relation to bring out the problems of the students
Institutional Distinctiveness
Vision“To become a premier technical institute by producing value based competent professionals with scientific temper, team spirit and ethical values”.
Competency and skill developmentAdvances in Information Technology have introduced fundamental changes in business structures and work processes. These changes demand for the introduction of new educational approaches in teaching learning process. To create outstanding industrial engineers, it is essential to impart qualitative, innovative, creative, value driven training and development programmes/workshops/seminars. That is the reason,why competency based training and development is a must to add up to a Holistic Learning/Teaching Approach. To enhance students’ competency level, the institute has signed MoUs (Memorandum of Understanding) with various organizations in the engineering and technology sectors. Technical experts of those organizations conducted seminars to students on recent technologies at our college campus. In addition Industrial visits are also organized. These programmes help the students to improve their scientific knowledge, peer learning and ethical values. To make students become competent engineers, the training and placement cell of institute plays a vital role by being a platform between corporate and young graduates. Services are provided throughout the year to prepare students and help them secure placements. The number of students placed through campus placement programmes is on the rise every year.
Center of Excellence for Industry Innovation & Practice (CEIIP)Center of Excellence for Industry Innovation & Practice (CEIIP) is the unique strength of our institute through which the students are given hands on training in the industries directly. The institute has obtained Centre of Excellence from SS Technovation, Coimbatore. Centre of Excellence is a facility with necessary infrastructure to enhance the skills of the students. These centers through their facilities and industry know-how provide ample opportunities for the students and staff to comprehend the latest industry practice and upgrade their knowledge through industry relevant projects. Centre also upgrades the prowess of the technicians who are currently employed by the industry as well, thus serving as a revenue generating model. Efforts are on, to set up more such centers to strengthen ties between the institute and the industry
Incubation Center:Incubation setup center was established in 2018 at our college premises. The aim of the incubation center is to encourage entrepreneurship among locals with the college serving as focal point. It is a platform for nurturing, encouraging and developing innovation and entrepreneurial skills among its students, alumni, as well as students of the region. SS Technovation established incubation center at the institute for CSE,ECE,EEE and Mechanical students. Entrepreneurship in India is on the verge of explosive growth. Angel investors, venture capital, media, startup clubs, service providers, mentors and training companies have started to grow. The most important cog in the wheel, is the incubator which gives them a chance to bring their business in shape, before they reach out to the world.
Objectives:- To encourage our college technocrats to come out with new inventions and innovations relevant to society.
- To create jobs, wealth and business aligning with national priorities.
- To promote new technology /scientific knowledge/innovation based startups.
- To provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by the host institution.
- To provide cost effective, value added services to startups through mentoring, legal, technical, intellectual property related services.
- To provide space resources for students with innovative ideas and encourage them to transform their project proposals into viable business propositions.
- To ensure that incubation centre has access to technological assistance through multidisciplinary experts of various corporate sectors.
- To encourage young enthusiasts with creative pursuits and inherent zeal to become successful entrepreneurs.
- To create innovative projects. Each project will be executed by a team of entrepreneurs (Students/Alumni/Industry) and are given infrastructural support such as workspace, Internet etc. The program will give preference to the projects that solve problems and find solution to local needs (District and State) rather than global problems and needs. The problem can be from any discipline but one should provide exact solution to the related problems.
- To facilitate students to get internship from various companies through incubation centre.
The incubation center has motivated the college students to develop various innovation projects. The details are as follows:
Completed Projects- An Efficient Method Of Dry-Wet Dust Collection To Support Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan- Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
- Advanced Electronic Voting System using Fingerprint and Face recognition – Electronics Communication Engineering.
- Design and development of 80cc petrol engine fitted with bicycle – Mechanical engineering.
- Accident Detection and Reporting Systems using GPRS, GPS and GSM technology – Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
- Smart Monitoring and Auto Neutralization of PH Alkaline in Industries – Electronics Communication Engineering.
- Design and Fabrication of Electric Vehicle with Regenerative Braking System- Mechanical engineering.
To utilize the fullest opportunities provided by SS Technovation, Coimbatore in the areas of VMC, CNC, Robotics, Embedded Systems, Micro processor, Micro controller,IOT,CAD,Java,J2EE,Python Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, .net and Php, Website developement and Hydraulic machines.
Resource PersonMr.KRN Manoj, Director Operation of SS Technovation, Coimbatore and Pumo Technovation, Coimbatore completed his M.Tech at BITS Pilani, Rajasthan. He has 6 years of experience in Auto mobile latest technologies. He has trained more than 1000 students on latest technologies at SS Technovation, Coimbatore. He has given various training proposal and course content of the model to students on 26.02.2018. In continuation of his address, our students went for an Industrial visit to SS Technovation, Coimbatore.
Outcomes:- Seminars help students to update their knowledge on latest technology and take up interview confidently.
- Industrial visits create the opportunity for the students to explore their practical knowledge and skill.
- Students will approach is any problem in industrial perspective, once they are directly exposed to industrial training.
The training given by Mr. KRN Manoj, Director Operation, helped students to get placements in various core companies like Avalon Technologies-Chennai, Syrma Technologies-Chennai, Alpha Associates-Coimbatore, Metal Man Auto parts India pvt. Ltd.,- Hosur Aqua sub Engineering- Coimbatore.